Liquid Staking on Aleph Zero
Specifics to the Aleph Zero implementation of the Ike Protocol
Why Aleph Zero?
Aleph Zero provide a number of unique features which we believe make it a perfect match for the Ike protocol. Here are several reasons why we believe Aleph Zero is a network that will help us accomplish the Ike mission and vision.
Privacy-Preserving Technology: Aleph Zero's employs the use of ZK-SNARKs to enable private computation on user-owned data records and enhances this with secure multi-party computation (sMPC). This model creates 'global secrets' controlled by smart contracts, allowing private multi-user interactions. This combined privacy approach facilitates the implementation of various multi-user systems, including private voting, auctions, and other DeFi activities.
Scalable and Secure Blockchain Network: Aleph Zero's blockchain utilizes Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) and proof-of-stake architecture to achieve a secured network offering instant finality, low fees, and enhanced scalability. Aleph Zero, moreover, is an asynchronous, leader-free, Byzantine Fault Tolerant network.
Developer-Friendly Environment: Aleph Zero utilizes a Rust-based WASM programming environment to make it easy for developers who are already accustomed to the Rust and the Substrate stack to seamlessly adopt and build decentralized applications on the Aleph Zero blockchain.
Nomination Pools
Aleph Zero is a substrate-based blockchain, and uses the "Nomination" nomenclature for pooling Gas Tokens (AZERO) to Validators. For more information, see the Polkadot's Wiki's page on Nomination Pools.
Nomination Agents
The Aleph Zero blockchain asserts a constraint that each Nomination Pool can be controlled by exactly one entity. Therefore, the Vault
cannot delegate to and redeem from all of them. In order to solve this, Ike employs smart contract accounts referred to as "Nomination Agent(s)" which nominate to Nomination Pools on behalf of the Vault
. These Nomination Pools then delegate stake to Validators as is normal on other DPoS chains.
The nomination agents leverage unique Substrate Runtime Calls that speak directly to the consensus network to programmatically bond & unbond AZERO (staking and unstaking).
Daily Unbonding Request Limits
The Aleph Zero network asserts that no more than 8 unbond requests can be made by a Validator within any 14 day period.
Cooldown Period
The cooldown period on Aleph Zero is 14 days.
Architecture Sequence Diagram
This diagram illustrates the relationship between the different pieces
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